New Year’s Eve Ponderings

A new year is upon us. As I sit and ponder what that means, I have to think of the old year. Where did it go? It seems that it began only a short time ago.

As I look back on the old year, I see that God was with me throughout. I know He was with me every minute of every day and night, even if I didn’t always feel His presence. He carried me and held me up. He sustained me in all the difficult places and brought me through to better times. He was with me in the happy times too, welcoming my thanks and praise—and my worship. Even though I didn’t deserve His goodness, God gave me life and made life worth living. In the many stressful times, He gave me peace; healing in times of sickness; and comfort in times of sadness. My loving heavenly Father gave me strength for the tasks He called me to do and faith for the unknown.

Did God supply all my needs this past year? Indeed, He did…not only the temporal, but also my spiritual and emotional needs.

As I ponder God’s faithfulness and blessings of the past, I’m drawn to consider the new year and the role my life will play in it. I think of my failures of the past year. By God’s mercy, I experienced growth, but I long to grow more like Christ every day. There were many times of testing this past year and in each one, I tried to remember to seek God for victory. Many times I did remember, but in other times, I allowed worry and fear to control my mind too long before I turned in submission to God’s will and way for me. I desire to always turn to God immediately when the testings come. I desire to make God the Center of my life every day…in every decision, every joy, and every pain. I want to develop a continual awareness that He is the reason for my existence and holds the keys to my life. This awareness already involves head knowledge, but my desire is that it become a deep, abiding part of my being—so deep and abiding that my trust in Him never wavers but always springs forth with strength and courage whenever a need breaks into my life.

How will I go about realizing my desires? I know that my desires for the new year (and the year after that…and the year after that) can only be realized with God’s strength and help. So I set my eyes on Him and wait expectantly for what He chooses to do in me.

Prayer:  Lord God, help me to trust You and depend on You completely. Please have Your will and Your way in my life.

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